Are you passionate about trees and gardening and ready to learn more about the remarkable maple?
Join The Maple Society of North America for a wealth of great benefits along with opportunities to meet others who share a similar passion and admiration of all things Acer!
Membership is open to any individual, organization, professional grower or retailer, collector, enthusiast or researcher with an interest in the purposes of the Maple Society of North America. Branch membership fees ALSO include membership in the International Maple Society, providing you with both local and global benefits!
Interested in becoming a Board Member? Learn more >
Discounts at nurseries and other maple resellers.
Local educational events and classes.
Private tours of local gardens and nurseries.
Access to local experts.
Local social get-togethers and networking.
The ability to shape the organization through your vote(s).
The opportunity to blog about your maples.
Access to the Society’s unmatched cultivar database, with over 4,000 Japanese Maple cultivars and many species maple cultivars.
A high quality, full color, quarterly newsletter. Articles include: the latest on the Society activities, news on the latest cultivar introductions, scientific discoveries about species, conservation news, and much more (includes access to over 30 years of newsletters in our archive).
Opportunities to join exclusive international events, which tour the great gardens and nurseries of the world with expert guides.
- Tri-annual International Symposiums.
Access to international language-local Zoom classes, held in English, French and Spanish (including access to previously recorded events).
More Benefits Coming Soon:
Access to global expert advice via “Ask the Maple Society.”
Access to the Maple Society’s private Members Forum.
An opportunity to participate in the Society’s vaunted Seed Exchange program, which lets you grow difficult to find Japanese Maples and other maple seeds.

​All of the above, plus...
Advertise at no charge in our newsletter
Write an article for our blog
Have your business listed on our website's "Resources" page
Offer a topic-relevant class or workshop
Give a national conference presentation
Offer guided tours to members
Display a “proud member” logo or phrase on your website, social, email signature and brochure to underscore your passion and involvement